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Skyfire holding Sideswipe

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Skyfire holding Sideswipe
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107 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
Vapor-03 writes: I got you, Sideswipe. Let's go home. *Skyfire then proceeds to sing to SS "Allegro Con Brio" in d-minor*
trailbreaker writes: These G1 knockoffs are huge !
BG the Robit writes: Sideswipe? can I kiss you one last time?
fenrir72 writes: In Cybertron we don't allow milk formulas............
Shuttershock writes: The vaguest out of context hint of human affection?

Tumblr! Commence the shipping!
GallifreyanSeeker writes: And with the baby's mother, Starscream, gone, Skyfire had to look after a child all on his own.
Bismuth writes: Princess Sideswipe
Frenchhorngirl writes: "Starscream! NOOOOO!!!...Wait. Wrong guy."
Swoopscream writes: You know whenever it's an Autobot down they're all like "HEY SKYFIRE COME CARRY HIM... HEY SKYFIRE COME FLY HIM ACROSS THE F***ING WORLD" but do you think I'm gonna be thanked for this s***? NO!
Sideswipe619 writes: Sideswipe: you are my best friend *hic* skyfire
Skyfire: ok no more blood for you
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Silver Snake writes: Skyfire: Y'know, somehow I feel that this sneak attack could have gone better.

Sideswipe: No slag, Sherlock. It consisted of you screaming "SKYFIRE SMASH!" and throwing me at Thundercracker's head.

Skyfire: You led me to believe you liked that plan.
peacethroughtyranny writes: Ohh jazz, we lost a great comrade but gained... wait this isn't the right scene!
Evil Eye writes: Hey, you're not Arcee!
optimusprimeswife writes: (the heart will go on plays)
Sideswipe: goes offline)
maroyasha writes: Right About Now "Only The Good Die Young" would be playing.
Blaster: Only the good die young!!
Jetfire: Shut up!! Not funny!
WarzoneBeta writes: Skyfire: Giggitygiggity score!
Rex Prime writes: Skyfire: sideswip...WHY THE GOOD ONES ALWAYS DIE FIRST!

Sideswipe: Put me down you idiot!..i am not dead i fell from a stupid cliff and then you came and make the whole thing worse.

Skyfire: sorry..

altramaxus writes: "Love was when I loved you,
one true time to hold on to
In my life we'll always go on.

Near, far,
wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on" pssst, did megatron actualy bum you ?
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moonie writes: SIDESWIPE: okay counteroffensive backfired. what now?

SKYFIRE: i drop you and hope you land on some decepticons and deactivate them in the process.

SIDESWIPE: sounds good to me. cuz you know, this feels a little bit...awkward.
cybertronianjedi writes: sideswipe: theblossoms are all.....perfect.(dies)
Skyfire(crying):WHy my LoVE????WHY!!!!!!!!!!!
munkimus prime writes: Sideswipe- i fell out of the sky and you caught me so why do people keep putting gay jokes up here
jetfire- because they,re sad lonely people with nothing better to do.
moonie writes: skyfire: dont ask.
sideswipe: don't tell.
darth_paul writes: (Theme from The Bodyguard plays) ...and IIIIIIIIIIIII WWWWWWWIIIIIILLLLL ALWAYS LOVE YYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!
Trale Strife writes: Skyfire: I swear Jazz i thought he was a Decepticon! One minute im headin to kitchen to mix up a Shirley Temple, the next im manlesting him with lasers! I mean it was dark and my lenses are being adjusted and i had been swimming in the pool and-

trailbreaker writes: "Sideswipe, how many times have I told you to quit running up to Ravage and yelling 'Here Kitty Kitty'"????
Zeedust writes: Skyfire: "Damn it, Sideswipe... Every Friday, it's the same thing. We all go to a bar, you get wasted, I have to carry you home, and you puke all over my chest."

Sideswipe: "Shaddap an' hold me sheteddy."
Swerve writes: Skyfire: Why can't you just learn to eat Energon like everyone else?

Sideswipe:... asked the only Autobot with nipples.

Bumblebee: Zing!
Mad_Mexicoy writes: Now to bury him before anybody discovers the TERRIBLE TRUTH........
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Ratbat writes: I must get you back to Autobot Headquarters, Sideswipe.
Briggs writes: Jetfire: Oooooook lil Sideswipe, time for breakfast!
Sideswipe: *sucky sucky*
Screambug writes: Kootchie, kootchie, my cute little baby!
Heatseeker writes: Now if I can only catch the yellow one and complete my collection.
1337W422102 writes: Everyone's gay for Sideswipe.
Enigma Blackdragon writes: Prime! Prime!
I found another one!

Obviously it was not only humans who suffered from the leadpaint
xshot writes: brokeback mountain 3
the transformers edition
featuring sideswipe-n-skyfire
xshot writes: skyfire: how u holdin up
sideswipe: skyfire......
skyfire: what?
sideswipe: skyfire......
skyfire: what,WHAT?
sideswipe: ive always wanted to tell you this.....
skyfire: (thnking) oh my god we can finally be together
sideswipe: your breath smells l
Zetatron writes: Skyfire: Oh God, what am I gonna do? I thought sugar was just supposed to give him engine touble, I didn't think it would kill him. I just had to team up with the Autobots. If I'd stuck with the Decepticons this would be hilarious, but I had
Optimusizzy writes: Wheel Jack: What do you wany us to tell Optimus when he gets back.
Skyfire: Tell him Im going to My hangar with this possible traitor and Im not going to be back for 3000 astro seconds.
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Road Turtle writes: After dumping Starscream, Skyfire developed a stalker like obsession with Sideswipe.
Road Turtle writes: Skyfire, "Ah, come here you boxy little car bot. So, are you a stick or an automatic? Let's find out."

---The morning after----
Sideswipe, "Primus, what was in that energon, and why is my tail pipe sore?"
megatron11 writes: come closer , closer.
megatron11 writes: is that a gun in your pocket?
megatron11 writes: you had me at hello !
Blazefrost writes: *a correction of my previous caption*
Oy, Prime's not gonna like this one...
Blazefrost writes: Oy, Prime hot gonna like this one...
Sloptank writes: Singing "he aaaaain't heavaaaay, he's mah bruh-thurrrrr"
Sloptank writes: Congratulations! It's a healthy baby boy!
Unknown writes: skyfire-i think i love you

sideswipe-no we'd never work out your a jet im a car but your so cute ok take me im yours

skyfire-oh darling

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Unknown writes: sideswipe-oh my big strong hero

skyfire-kiss me and your a dead bot
xxaMaxx writes: After the release of TRANSFORMERS MOSAIC: "How Much Longer?", more and more Transformers have begun to show their feelings for each other.
zatara1701 writes: Dude...why are you sniffing my arm pit?? Ummm, I think I need to talk to Prime....sigh.
1337W422102 writes: "Dear Diary: jackpot."
1337W422102 writes: "...then when she's unconscious I do stuff to her face; make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh!"
Minicle writes: Sideswipe: I am never, never! Letting Richard Hammond drive me, ever again!
Minicle writes: Seeing his ‘2008’ design for the first time, proved to much for poor Sideswipe.
Kevinus Prime writes: "Sq-Squirrel in avoid him.."
Kevinus Prime writes: "You had me at 'Hello'".
Starscream1320 writes: I've told you before Sideswipe. Never mix energon and unleaded...
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Transfaner writes: Baby, I'm a changed man, I swear it. You know I love you.
snavej writes: Skyfire or Jetfire: Jetfire, Skyfire ... it's all good!

Sideswipe: Just as long as I don't have to be Red Alert!

Cliffjumper (out of shot): Hey, lovahs, get a room!
snavej writes: Jetfire: No, stop that, Sideswipe. I do NOT produce milk from there!

Sideswipe: Mommy, I got bumped on the head and now I'm all woozy.

Jetfire (thinks): I have to get out of here! I don't want my reputation to be as weird as Tracks'
snavej writes: Jetfire (thinks): Oh no! Is my Rockin' Sockin' Robot broken already?!
TransX writes: Skyfire: GOTCHA!
TransX writes: Skyfire: Next time I hope you and Sunstreaker use more common sense. You know Diesel makes you see pink Big Convoys! So why do you drink so much of it??? I think it's time for some intervention and counseling...

Sideswipe: Shut up Skyfire and
quetzalcoatl writes: But I don't want to go on the cart! I'm happee, I'm happee!
Liege Evilmus writes: Now to fly. Yes fly to The Castle in The Stars!
honeykid writes: date rapes a crime
TransX writes: Skyfire to Prime: Yeah, he fainted when he learned he has to wait till at least summer 2009 to see Transformers 2!
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Thanatos Prime writes: Skyfire: Aw sideswipe...
shockticus writes: He'll never know what hit him...

Deadpool. writes: Jetfire:" Arcee, come here and do a CPR on Sideswipe!"
Skyfire: Stop fighting Sideswipe you're comming to this Britney Spears concert with me and that's final!
Enigma Blackdragon writes: hey listen Sideswipe, I agreed to be your chauffeur, but ONLY IN MY ALT-MODE!!!
Road Turtle writes: Skyfire. "My own little Car Autobot! I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him..."
Deadpool. writes: Jetfire: Help, my hands are glued!!!
TenaciousMC writes: "Shh. I'm almost done nursing Baby Sideswipe."
TenaciousMC writes: "We're almost at our honeymoon suite, my dear Sideswipe."
Ultra Markus writes: this ancient earth custom of carrying the bride over the threashhold would work better with arcee or elita-1
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Crystal Rodimus writes: Who's got about a spare gallon of Valvoline? Huh? No reason.
Jaw Crusher writes: Skyfire: "I dunno what happened, Optimus...I found Sideswipe passed out and Sunstreaker quivering in giddy shock in front of Teletran-1, mumbling something about 'new Classics-slash-Universe toys'."
Optimus: "Great. Remind me to
Autobotspitfire writes: Sideswipe: what? what the hell is going on? oh damn skyfire abducted me again.

Skyfire: it puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.
Skice writes: Skyfire(singing) ...And I will always love YOOOOUUUUU...
Wheeljack-S70 writes: as optimus prime always says "welp, we lost a good friend BUT WHO THE F#@$ CARES CUZ WE MADE A SH!# LOAD OF MONEY, RIGHT BAY? ISN'T THAT RIGHT, MICHAEL BAY?"
dabattousai writes: After Skyfire and Sideswipe finished their imported version of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, they decided to reinact the ending.

First-Aid writes: Jetfire (singing): Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks the cradle will fall...wait, what the heck is a "bough"? And what idiot put their kid in the top of a tree?

Sideswipe: T
First-Aid writes: Jetfire: Hmmm...if I throw a rock into the Grand Canyon here, it will fall and get smashed. Will it happen to Sideswipe too I wonder? Or will he float?
First-Aid writes: Jetfire: I will love him and hold him and squeeze him and pet him and call him George...
TransX writes: Skyfire: So once I carry you over the threshold, let the honeymoon begin!
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TransX writes: Skyfire: Who's my big Autobot? Yes you are! Yes you are!

Sideswipe: CUT IT OUT, SKYFIRE! You know I hate it when you do that in front of the Fembots!
ThunderThruster writes: here's our reconstruction of events when inferno saved red alert!
Supercollider writes: Skyfire: Ya know it could be like this, just like this always.
Supercollider writes: Sideswipe: Brokeback got us good, don't it?
Supercollider writes: Skyfire: I wish I knew how to quit you.
Dreamchylde writes: Skyfire: Wow! An expensive Italian sportscar fell from heaven!

Spike(off-screen): -looks up at the sky- I want a million dollars!
Dreamchylde writes: Skyfire: Why don't you leave the flying to the big boys, Sideswipe?

Sideswipe: But I can fly!

Skyfire: ...Six minutes with a jet pack does not count as flying. Maybe if you ask Ratchet to change your alt mode to a jet... We could call you '
JaffleMaker writes: Desperate and panick stricken, Skyfire knew he had to hide the body somewhere where the other Autobots would never look. But where?.....
megatrina writes: Prime (off-screen): Wow, that was a fun-filled day at the swimming hole. OK guys, let's unload the van.
Sideswipe (murmurs sleepily): Are we there yet?
Tankorrhinox writes: Skyfire seems to be having trouble weaning Sideswipe off the ol' Energon-teat.
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Dragonoth writes: reenacting the Inferno-Red Alert scene
Deceptiwho? writes: Skyfire: Looks like those energon roofies were well worth the loot!
Q_Silverbolt writes: I always wanted to be a mother...
Road Turtle writes: Skyfire, "Ah...nice, he's out cold. Well little car-bot you're all mine...let's just pop open that hood of yours..."
Lord Megatron Decepticon writes: Skyfire: That was quite a fall Sideswipe, you ok?

Sideswipe: I'm fine, but that Decepticreep wont be when I finish with him. Hold me back Skyfire, HOLD ME BACK!!!
Lord Megatron Decepticon writes: Skyfire: Are you ok Sideswipe?

Sideswipe: I am now that you're here, Skyfire.

*Skyfire smiles and walks off with Sideswipe in his arms towards the horizon*
Lord Megatron Decepticon writes: Sideswipe: Skyfire, what blue eyes you have.

Skyfire: They're factory issue, you have them to.

Sideswipe: Oh....
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